

Deviant Art
(Anyone with a smart phone can become an Instagram sensation. But Deviant
Art is where the real artists hang out. Traditional and modern artists alike
can showcase their talents in categories that range from painting and
photography to Rain meter skins and desktop wallpapers. Source
PC World)
Know Your MeMe
(Ever feel feel like everyone is on the joke except you? Know Your MeMe
informs you of the latest ideas, viral videos, and other phenomena burning
up the Internet. Source
PC World)
- The Adventures of Dr. McNinja (In the tradition of
revisionist, postmodern, deconstructed animated characters (we ain't talking Scooby Doo here) comes Dr. McNinja, a comic strip hero who can kick and
medically treat ass, all within a few panels..)
- Apple's Get a Mac Ads (Even the
staunchest Windows supporter has to admit the new "Get a
Mac" ads are pretty funny and contain at least a grain of truth.
Twelve in all, they boast production values more suitable for YouTube
and star John Hodgman of "The Daily
Show" and Justin Long from "Ed.")
- The
Ex-Girlfriend Project
- Odd Todd (Highly creative page.
Cartoons featuring the trials and tribulations of a
someone laid off in the tech industry.)
- Gullible Info
- The Onion (Billed as "America's Finest News Source".
Check it out and decide for yourself.)
- Brain of Brian
(Comical quotes, entertaining games, funny philosophies, adlibs, top
10 lists, useless facts, etc.)
- LaughNet Home
- The Darwin Awards
News Monty Python Page
- Atari
- Snafu
- OEDILF (The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form. There once was a site that
attempted--for each word and nothing exempted--a limerick using a term
of your choosing how brilliant--or maybe demented. )
- Boing Boing
(This is an
ongoing web blog that has daily postings about life in general. You'll
be amazed, fascinated, and surprised at all the items of interested
that are posted to this site.)
- Now Not Starring.... (Ever
wonder what "Some Like It Hot"
would have been like with Mitzi Gaynor instead of Marilyn Monroe?
Yeah, neither did we. But that doesn't mean
you can't waste countless hours mousing
through this catalogue of movie stars and the roles they turned down, auditioned
for, got fired from, or didn't get.)
- Huh? Corp (Does anyone really know what they're doing? At Huh
Corp, not only are they clueless about business, they come out and say
so. This parody site riffs on corporate America's obsession with
nonsensical buzz words by giving visitors a fake consulting company
that dares to tell the truth. Huh Corp's strategy: "Convince
clients that we do stuff they can't do themselves.")
Music, TV and Movies
Magazine Online
magazine dedicated to women's soccer. The objective is to further the
popularity of women's soccer around the world. Articles cover
collegiate, amateur and professional leagues dedicated to the women's
- LiveSoccer TV
- BigFooty
- IndyCar (Official
web site of the Indy Racing League, better known as IRL, is the
sanctioning body of a predominantly American based open-wheel racing
series. The League consists of two series, the premier IndyCar Series (usually considered synonymous with
the Indy Racing League), whose centerpiece is the Indianapolis 500,
and the Firestone Indy Lights Series, which is a developmental series
for the IRL.)
- Arsenal America (Arsenal
America was born in August of 2001 after several Arsenal fans wondered
aloud if there was a supporters' club for Arsenal FC in the United
States. After some checking around it became evident that there wasn't
one. A few days later the idea of Arsenal America was born. Site
features news, rumors and information for Arsenal fans.)
- SportsColumn.com (Aiming to be
a "revolution in sports journalism," the site gives fans
with a keyboard and Internet connection the chance to turn their ardor
into articles. From the dried-up Lakers to Junior's return to glory,
what you write (and read) is up to you. It's a great place for
aspiring sports journalists to exercise their adverbs, and a great
outlet for sports freaks to cry, moan, and rage.)
- European
Football Stadiums Page
- Aaron's
Baseball Blog
- Pulse
(From ESPN Magazine)
- The
Sporting News
- NFL (National
Football League Home Page)
- CFL (Canadian
Football League Home Page)
- Australian Rules Football Site
- NBA Home Page
- NHL Home Page
- Sportsline
Resources on the web...
Did they read it?
(Are your emails being ignored? This free invisible email tracker tells you
when--or if--your message was read, how long it was open, and where it was
opened. Source: PC World .)
(Unearth ancient relics at Retronaut, a collaborative storehouse for
images, audio, and video from the past. You can find 14th-century
songbooks, blooper reels from 1930's Warner Brothers films, and more.
Source PC World)
(Upload your photos and videos, and add words and music, and Animoto's
video engine will produce a high-def video that you can embed in your blog
or Facebook page. Source: PC World .)
(The site specializes in all kinds of fascinating factoids which are updated
on a daily basis. It is not a news site, but you should visit it daily, lest
you miss irresistible gems highlighting celebrity missteps, adorable
animals, and human absurdities. Source: PC World .)
Exist (This
Fast Company site reports on groundbreaking innovations, from 3D-printed
houses to paint-on solar panels. It has a clean, simple design, and a
continuous roll of news stories with photography)
Compass Green Project
Compass Green is a fully functional greenhouse built in the back of a box
truck that grows vegetables and herbs and is powered by waste vegetable
oil. We teach practical farming tools and raise awareness on sustainability
through presentations, workshops, and greenhouse tours at schools, camps,
organizations and communities. Our curriculum is focused on Bio-intensive
methods of sustainable farming—producing the maximum yields with the
minimum amount of resources.
- The 911Monument
- Irish Pubs Directory (Irish
Pubs are internationally renowned as the most lively spots in any
city. Full of party atmosphere they attract Irish and non-Irish alike.
And on The Irish Pubs Directory you'll find a growing directory of
Irish pubs. Whether you're looking for somewhere in your own town, or
travelling and want to find somewhere to go then be sure to check here
first. They not only list Irish pubs but also let visitors offer their
views on every one. If you find it useful then be sure to add your own
- Deadliest
Catch (Deadliest Catch is a
documentary-style reality television series that documents the events
aboard fishing boats in the Bering Sea during the Alaskan king crab
and Opilio crab fishing seasons. The
Aleutian Islands port of Dutch Harbor (located in Unalaska, Alaska) is
the base of operations for the fishing fleet. The show is named
Deadliest Catch because the crew of these boats are
at a high risk of injury or death.)
- Dvice (Sponsored
by the SciFi channel in the U.S., this
website features articles about potential future devices or applicatoins which may be used in every day life---some day.
Also features news updates and stories covering technology.)
- Unusual Hotels of the
World (After years of vacation
and business travel, we're sure of one thing: Hotels are a little
boring. Some boast spas and indoor pools. But when have you ever
considered sending your family a postcard of your hotel? This site
encourages you to find unique places to stay based on location,
budget, theme, or the elusive "wow!" factor. With categories
ranging from igloos to lighthouses to caves, it can be easy to plan a
vacation around unusual hotels.)
- PodTech PodTech (Network is
a network of audio and video podcasts for influencers and leaders in
the global technology and media industries. Their roster of programs
can be easily experienced on a personal computer or portable media
- Volunteer
- Gas
Price Watch
- Old
- Slice (Dedicated to
NYC's many pizzerias, it boasts numerous entries on the subject of one
of America's favorite foods. Eschewing franchise pizza and
Chicago-style, this ode to the delectable thin crusts of the city's
finest establishments will leave your mouth watering.)
- Hunley Memorial Page
- Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Exhibition
- Wright State University
Archive Page
- Changing the
Face of Medicine
- International Catalogue of Superheroes
- Geology
of Mars
- UFO Artwork
(The author has collected photos of objects going
back thousands of years that seem to show visits from
extraterrestrials. )
- WatchBlog (WatchBlog is a
multiple-editor weblog broken up into three major political
affiliations, each with its own blog: the Democrats, the Republicans
and the Third Party (covering everything outside the two major
- National Do Not
Call Registry (Millions of Americans have
added their telephone number to this database, which telemarketing
companies will have to download and stop calling after October 2003 )
- Nation
Master WatchBlog (WatchBlog is a
multiple-editor weblog broken up into three major political
affiliations, each with its own blog: the Democrats, the Republicans
and the Third Party (covering everything outside the two major
- National Do Not
Call Registry (Millions of Americans have
added their telephone number to this database, which telemarketing
companies will have to download and stop calling after October 2003 )
- Nation
Master (You probably weren't aware
the little country of Andorra has no unemployment, nor does it have
any broadcast TV channels. And you might be interested to learn that
the fastest growing country in the world is also the world's newest
country. You'll find these little-known statistics, as well as other
interesting facts and current trends illustrated in bar-graph form on
this web site based on the latest CIA World )
- WeatherBug
(Considered on the best
tools available for getting the latest information on weather.
Software client that provides real time updates on weather in your
- Explore Mars
- Invention
at Play
- Idiom Site
- Google
- 100 Words (Some short stories aren't always
short. If you're not ready to delve into pages of prose, I suggest you
chew on these bite-sized chunks of writing at 100 Words. As the site
states, "some are poems, some are stories, some are diaries, some
are fiction, some are nonsense." )
- Old-Computers.com
(If you really want to get an idea how far we've
come with computing power over the last few decades, check out this
- The
Northern Lights (Fire
in the sky. Aurora Borealis. Northern Lights. You don't need to travel
to the Arctic Circle to see this fascinating display of colored lights
in the night sky -- scan the skies with the help of this comprehensive
- CycleJumpers
- Computers for Schools (Program
designed for individuals or corporations to donate computers or
computer peripherals to schools.)
- American's Library
- Poker Page (Excellent resource on the game.)
- Bartleby.com (Great literature online.)
CafeMom (Dedicated to the toughest job in the world!)
- Kissing Tips
SETI at Home (Download
this software and your PC can help in the search for extra-terrestrial
life! )
- James Bond Website (Resource for fans of the movie spy!)
- Jalopy Journal (Great resource on old cars!)
- AllExperts.com (Ask various experts questions about just about
- Wacky Uses (Lists all sorts of crazy, or wacky, uses for every day objects!)
- Ask Jeeves (Adds a whole new dimension to web searching!)
- US Postal Service ZIP Code Page
- Mapquest (Need directions to *anyplace*? Check this site
Misc. Sites...
- The
- Birding Babylon (Follow the
birding blog observations from a soldier's tour in Iraq as well as
recounted wildlife sightings from others stationed and working in
- Doodles, Drafts, and
- DNA50
- Got Mead? (Information
about Making and Buying Mead (Honey Wine). Mead resources for the mead
enthusiast. Find recipes, suppliers, mead makers, commercial meaderies, instruction, links to hundreds of mead
web sites, tips, and more.)
- A Day In The Life (The
concept of this site is simple enough: present the work of a new
photographer by posting one snapshot every day for a week. The result
is an intricate composite of photos with a unique perspective on the
- Live Journal (Website
that enables people to set up online journals of their lives for
everyone to see. )
- Android World
- 1000 Journals Project (Follows
the circuitous routes of 1,000 blank journals across the globe. Each
journal comes with a simple set of instructions: add your own artistic
statement, then pass it on. Or better yet,
leave it in a public space .)
- OverStock.com (Ever
wonder what happens to the inventory of a 'dot com' that goes out of
business? These guys have some great bargains available!)
- Womens
- Classmates.com (Use this site to find people you went to school
- The Wedding Channel (Great site if you need information or advice for
the planning of a wedding, or looking for some tips on good spots to
- The Virtual Bar
- Readers Digest
- Mystery
Net (A different murder mystery each week!)
- CNet Central Page
- Carlos Coloring Book
- Miramax Motion Pictures Home Page
- The Daily View (Something for the ladies and gents!)
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